As a mid-sized group of companies, the RP Group is active in various industry associations. Being a member of these associations provides us with the opportunity to enter into dialogue with partners and other companies. We use the corresponding platforms in a targetted manner, especially with regard to the latest technology and industry development.


ZVEI, based in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, is one of the key industry associations and has 22 affiliated professional associations. The Lighting division brings together and represents the interests of the lighting industry both at a national level and in a European context. As a leading manufacturer of innovative lighting concepts for emergency and safety lighting and a provider of smart general-purpose lighting and batteries, we are a member of this renowned association.


RP has just become a member of BHE Bundesverband für Sicherheitstechnik e.V.. As a manufacturer of products and systems incorporating preventative safety technology, we are delighted that going forward we will be able to use the association as an active platform for communication and information.


The BVMW is an industry-neutral specialist interest group for mid-sized firms in Germany.


Just like us, around 90 % of all German companies are family-run businesses. The Familienunternehmer association was set up to represent their interests. It is based in Berlin and is split into 46 regional districts and 16 state areas.