entertainment venues

Great entertainment in safe surroundings

In cinemas, theaters and sports stadiums, safety lighting must be provided in many areas including for stages and performance areas, in stairwells and halls and in all other rooms frequented by visitors. Exits, aisles and steps in the meeting room must be recognizable even in the dark and regardless of any other emergency lighting. RP-Technik has numerous modern products for fitting in these buildings, such as emergency exit sign luminaires which can be dimmed, luminaires for dynamic escape route management and safety luminaires with a focus on design.

A small number of luminaires with a high light intensity and large cone of light generate illumination for large areas to light up escape routes and sources of danger, such as steps, in the event of evacuation. Depending on what is needed, the power supply systems, which are independent of the general-purpose lighting, can be fitted in a cabinet or supplied mounted on a frame.

Our solutions
Our solutions

We offer a huge choice of emergency and safety luminaires for entertainment venues.


RP Group products are being used the world over to save lives.

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RP Group products are being used the world over to save lives.

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